Been having a rough couple of days. It seems that every time I go to work I end up being abused by some horrible person who just wants to take their frustrations out on me.
We seldom have a working Chip and Pin machine and this jumped-up little oik started having a go at me becuase the machine wasn't working and I had the temerity to pull him up about his fraudulent act of signing for his petrol, using his wifes card! In the end I accepted his transation and threw the card back at him, telling him to "just take it" and get out of my sight.
I came very close to walking out of the booth and never going back and i'm still not 100% convinced i'm doing the right thing.
You shouldn't have to go to work to be abused - isn't that why you get married?
(only joking Jo x).
On to happier thoughts!
Getting a new suite in the morning and I am going to TRY and get a couple of tickets to see the Scissor Sisters at Nottingham Trent FM Arena in Dec. I love their new album to bits and after Glasto I can't wait to see them.
Also, Kylie was on that dreadful Channel 5 show (can't remember what it's called but one of Alan Sugar's losers is now a TV presenter on it!!! - How??), and she was announcing she would be touring next year. I have never seen her live (except in all the DVD's), and seeing her live would be a (wet)dream come true.
So swings and roundabouts this week - you may try to avoid them but they are always going to be there, getting in your way!
Once the living room is back in some sort of order I will put some more work up.
See you soon