My Family & Other Animals

Sunday, 25 June 2017

"So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye...."


And so it is with a heavy heart I join the long list of people who are saying goodbye to New York's finest, Mr. Kenny Kiernan and his wonderful wife Elena. While I have never met them, I think I can safely count them as friends now. It's amazing how a few e-mails back and forth over the last five years can actually bring you quite close to someone.
Always quick to respond, they both make you feel valued and that your opinion matters to them, which for a challenge blog is really lovely; naming no names, I have worked on several blogs and to be on friendly terms with the people who not only provide you with the most amazing images to work with but who also show a stunning generosity of spirit to their Design Team members is something to be treasured. Such has been my time with the Design Team, both as a member and a guest, I will take some lovely memories with me associated to the cards I have made for their challenges.
Waiting for that email, the one with the images attached, has always been a massive buzz for me. Even before I have seen what I have been sent, I just know it is going to beat anything else out there in the blogosphere. So for my final post working for Kenny and Elena I have revisited a post from 2012. We received 2 copies of the above image (called rather interestingly 'Bow'), one with some pretty classy lingerie on and one in the all-together! I obviously decided to use the more adult one of the two images (adult - yes, classy - hell yeah!!), so after colouring all the skin tones in all I had to worry about colour-wise were her hair, eyes and lips, her garter and oh yeah - the bow!
I tried to keep it simple and hope I have achieved this, I usually leave that up to you though, gentle reader, then I send them out into the world for others to enjoy/hate whichever floats your boat.
Rather than use the image on a card, I managed to pick up a lovely idea from some craft magazine or other and turned the image into a bookmark. So easy to make, these could quite easily be made in bulk and popped into Christmas cards as a little xmas bonus for family or friends alike!
So, it is with a wish for all the very best that life can give Kenny and Elena and their two beautiful children for the future, I hope you will join me, Gentle reader in sending them all huge hugs and some big wet sloppy kisses.
All the best kids, hope you and yours all have reaches that well exceed your grasps.

P.S. Don't forget to visit where all their fabby digi stamps are retailing at an amazing $1 and their clear stamps an even better $3.99!, go fill your boots, or your baskets!
Or, you can visit them on Facebook too, either way, please say goodbye as I am sure it will mean a lot to them.


  1. That is a really nice bookmark. I like the way you colored her.

  2. Nicely written post Andy. We are sure going to miss KennyK Stamps but they need to do what is best for them. Love that you have re-visited an earlier project.

  3. Andy.. being on the DT you should know to watermark over the image!

    1. What a shame you couldn't comment on the nicer parts of my post and just tried to humiliate me instead. This is a really old post and has been on my blog for over 5 years, so if anyone wanted it they have had a million chances to do already!!
      Thank you for writing something though, even if it wasn't as nice as everyone else's.

  4. I just purchased this stamp the other day, and I LOVE that you made a bookmark with it! This is a great idea, I might have to give it a try. I, too, will miss their great stamps!

  5. Lovely creation. It will be a sad day when KennyK is gon:0( i have enjoyed their images over the years..Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love their images too - they will be sorely missed. I love your bookmark, beautifully coloured and created. For a minute there I thought you were leaving too!

  7. It´s really with a bleeding heart, that we all have to say goodbye to these amazing artists and all their fabulous work. This is really one of those times, I wish I´d been really rich, so I could afford to get everything they have in their store, but unfortunately I´m not, so will have to make some hard choises and choose among all their brilliant images. But I still wish them and their kids all the very best for the future, and hopefully we´ll still meet them in space now and then afterwards too.

  8. Love it! Nice Christmas present for an older son or male familymember.

  9. Cool way to make a bookmark.

  10. Brilliant book mark, I love there images too and will be sadly missed.

  11. Andy, your goodbye post is written wonderfully... As I loved there images as well I am also very sad that they're closing down. But like you I wish them all the best for their future.
    Hugs, Melanie

  12. Just wished I had found KennyK earlier but sadly..... Anyway wishing both of them all the best for their future in whatever they choose to do. :)

  13. So sad to see you go, I love your images! Best of luck in the future!

  14. wow superb bookmark and yes it is very sad to say goodbye to Kenny and Elena and the rest of the KennyK family.Thankfully we all have loads of their digis so they will never be forgotten.

  15. You did a great job on the bookmark. I'm also sad to see them go. Love those digis. Cute and Adult.

  16. Great job I have loved Kenny k from the start like you I got a buzz out the emails lol so love this image I did it for hubby once.
    So sad that this is the end but shall still have fun colouring my images in 😀😀😀

  17. I hate seeing the countdown posts on facebook!! It's SO sad to see yet another amazing artist leaving the Digi world. I wish them the best though as they begin their new adventures. That is a beautiful bookmark!!!

  18. Oh Andy! What beautiful words! I send them all right back at you. I agree, how wonderful that we could build such a cool relationship over bunch of emails. lol. Thank you for answering that DT call all those years ago. That bookmark has always been a fav of mine, as you know how I enjoy those "out of the box" creations!! KIT my friend and remember, dinner is on us in NYC when you come visit :)

  19. Great post Andy! I am also sad Kenny is says goodbye. It was fun while it lasted tho! At least we will still have our images to play with!

  20. Beautiful bookmark! Wish i could have purchased some of kennyk's files sooner 😢

  21. I bookmark your post and looking forward to something new like that

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